Wilderness Discovery
Enjoy Canada's wilderness in our mobility accessible lodging.
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Wilderness Discovery is a fully wheelchair accessible campground situated 80 kilometers west of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Wilderness Discovery was formed as a Non-Profit Corporation on April 7, 2017 with representatives on its Board of Directors from the Thunder Bay Rotary Clubs, Hill City Kinsmen, HAGI and the Shebandowan Lake Campers’ Association who act as a management board to re-organize and refurbish the facility. The main use of the facility will focus on individuals with physical disabilities and veterans and their families, but the expectation is that the facility will be made available to other Non-Profit groups, and additionally when vacancies occur, corporate retreats, family reunions, and gatherings.
In early 1990, this logo was used by HAGI to represent the Wilderness Discovery Campground. This was done by a First Nations artist by the name of Harry “Whiskeyjack” who despite his disability used his mouth to create this incredible etching.

News & Events
Wilderness Discovery Boat…
Thank you to the Hillcity Kinsmen for running the Wilderness Discovery boat draw. We would like to also…
Wilderness Discovery Plans…
Currently, Wilderness Discovery is beginning to put some of the final touches on some of our…
Renovations at Wilderness…
Wilderness Discovery in Shebandowan is being upgraded in preparation for re-opening. The project is supported by…